Thursday, July 22, 2010

Love on Lemon Road Book Cover

Because I had a slow work week at String Letter Publishing, I took Wedsnesday off to work on some freelance projects. My main priority was to tackle to the cover Love on Lemon Road: A Lucy Ginger Chronicle by Jordan Reimer.

Now for those of you who keep close tabs on me, you know that a few month ago I was approached to make a website for the book. The interesting part about this project is that the author also recorded an audio soundtrack to the accompany the book (which is about finding love through a common interest in music).

Here was my first go around with the cover mock-ups. The photo of the girl is actually the Jordan Reimer herself, but the rest of the imagery is mine (hooray for Photoshop's liquify filter on the fourth mock-up).

Let me know what you think.

Lucy Ginger Cover 1

Lucy Ginger Cover 2

Lucy Ginger Cover 3

Lucy Ginger Cover 4

Lucy Ginger Cover 5

1 comment:

Sam said...

I like the first and the fourth one. But I have no sense of taste or design either so I dunno.